Phone number information +1 202 499 7244, 2024997244

United States
District of Columbia
Last search
2024-06-09 08:02
Area code

Spam/Fraud/Scam Potential: Low

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  • Searches 54

Did you find a missed call from +1 202 499 7244 or 2024997244?

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Tina Thornton
4 years ago

When they called the automated machine stated that they were calling from the social security administration and that my social was flagged and they were suspending my assets. It then told me to press 1 to speak with someone. The person who then got on the line said thank you for calling the social security administration and that his name was Sam Martin and he was a social security officer. He then proceeded to verify my name and then asked for me to confirm the last four of my social. When I stated that you called me stating you were flagging me so how about you tell me my last four. He then swore at me then hung up. When I called the number back it was busy.

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